Ashley Samuels-McKenzie and Charles Parkinson

Co-Founders, Unity & Motion & Co-hosts, UNIFY

We’ve been part of the creative industry for 10 years now, however co-founding our production company Unity & Motion at 24 years old meant that we’ve still got many years to go. We always knew that we didn’t want to be a passive participant in the UK creative industry, we want to actively contribute to help make it better, never settling for operating a certain way because ‘that’s how it’s always been done’. We want to break norms, defy conventions and push us all as an industry to constantly strive to do better for ourselves, for the industry and the world.

Alongside running Unity & Motion with the support of our amazing team, we mentor, coach and strategise for our clients and students. We regularly give talks at Universities to inspire media students that they can take a different journey to the corporate ladder and start a business or a side hustle too.