09:00 - 09:30 | Registration Opens & Refreshments

Begin your day by checking in and enjoying a selection of morning refreshments. Meet and greet fellow attendees and prepare for a day of insightful sessions.

09:30 - 09:35 | Opening Remarks from Campaign

Kick off the event with a warm welcome from the Campaign Editorial Team. Learn about the day's agenda and what to expect from the sessions ahead.

09:35 - 09:40 | Campaign Editors’ Insights: Key takeaways from the Festival

In this podcast-style session Campaign editors distil the spirit of Cannes. They’ll share their top three takeaways, providing a comprehensive yet concise overview of the most memorable and stand out surprises, winners, trends, ideas, and moments.


Maisie McCabe, UK Editor, Campaign

Beau Jackson, Media Editor, Campaign

Lucy Shelley, Tech Editor, Campaign

Gideon Spanier, Editor-in-Chief, Campaign

09:40 - 10:20 | Creative Showreel: Celebrating the winning work

Join leading creatives and jurors as they discuss the standout winners of the festival. Featuring big winners from Film and Craft, and the newly introduced Luxury and Funny categories. Discover the creativity and innovation behind this year’s winning work. 


Franki Goodwin, Chief Creative Officer, Saatchi & Saatchi

Andre Sallowicz, Creative Partner, AMV BBDO

Moderator: Maisie McCabe, UK Editor, Campaign

10:20 - 10:40 | Jury Insights: From effectiveness to equality

Gain exclusive insights from Cannes jurors on why the winners were selected for their tangible effectiveness and their inspiring contributions to equality and cultural change.


Sue Unerman, Chief Transformation Officer, EMX & Global Head of Relevance EM Creative Futures and Cannes Lions juror, Glass Lion for Change

Harjot Singh, Global Chief Strategy Officer, McCann and McCann Worldgroup, Cannes Lions Creative Effectiveness Jury President

Marian Brannelly, Global Director of Awards, Cannes Lions

Moderator: Gideon Spanier, UK Editor-in-chief, Campaign

10:40 - 10:45 | “How I Cannes”

The essence of Cannes in five minutes. 


Ashley Samuels-McKenzie and Charles Parkinson, Co-Founders, Unity & Motion, Co-hosts, UNIFY

10:45 - 11:10 | Key Trends to Watch Post-Cannes: The future of advertising

This panel of marketing and industry leaders will delve into the pivotal trends which are shaping the future of advertising.

  • Emerging trends - what are the latest developments in marketing and advertising that emerged at Cannes?
  • Technological innovation - how is technology enhancing creativity for brands and also becoming a creative force in itself?


Matt Groshong, Business Development Director for AdTech, NVIDIA

Tati Lindenberg, Senior VP Marketing, Dirt Is Good, Unilever

Moderator: Lucy Shelley, Tech Editor, Campaign

11:10 - 11:35 | Championing Accessible Advertising 

Hear how these trailblazing voices are breaking down barriers to improve representation and promote inclusion in the advertising industry. 


Nishma Patel Robb, President of WACL (Women in Advertising and Communications Leadership)

Chloë Davies, Founder and CEO, It Takes A Village Collective

Moderator: Beau Jackson, Media Editor, Campaign

11:35 - 11:45 | Campaign Closing 

Reflect on the day's learnings and look ahead to what's next. Our hosts will provide closing remarks and share insights into future trends and opportunities. The formal sessions conclude, but the conversation doesn't have to. Continue networking and discussing the insights gained throughout the morning as you depart.

12:00 | End of Event

Campaign's Breakfast Briefing: Cannes Download took place on 27 June 2024.